Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
" Spotted: A Beautiful Blond Phoenix Rising From The Ashes Of A Major Public Humiliation "
Okay, don't get me wrong! I'm one out of so many people out there who adores this hottie, Serena van der Woodsen.
Tengok la gambar-gambar ini sendiri. Kamu mesti setuju, kan?
that's Serena van der Woodsen.
Now, if you look at Blake Lively after she had removed all Serena van der Woodsen's make-up-clothes-hair etc, you might think, "Er, two different people, eh?"
Just look at these photos...

Maybe.. and plus, she looks a bit chubby. No?

And what's up with the hair? And look at those earring hrmm...
(not a slight touch of Elegant in the last two photos)
[voice-over] Until then, you know you love me, XOXO... Gossip Girl
Title, Spotted: A Beautiful Blond Phoenix Rising From The Ashes Of A Major Public Humiliation was taken from Gossip Girl The Ex-Files, Season 2, Episode 4, 2008
Photos all from www dot CelebStyle dot com
Posted by Sri Kandy Putri Naru at 2:58:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: boredom, fashion, I adore you...
If At First The Idea Is Not Absurd, Then There's No Hope!
We're still shocked with the whole idea honesty, but I knew from the moment he told me about this dream that it's gonna happen sooner or later.
So I guess now, let's just pray for everything to go according to plan...

(the one sets as wallpaper on his desktop & laptop *sighs*)

(Kawasaki Ninja: also in black/white but very expensive I tell you!!)
Bila dah ada ni, I guess I can have this. Huh, no? LOL
Oo ya, yesterday I bumped into this guy who had had embarrassed himself when I corrected him in front others. Tula nak eksyen lagi depan ladies!
To Mr. You-Know-Who-You-Are:
Pssst, dude! It's humiliating to say it's a Harley when it's a Ducati :-?
Credits: Title above is taken from Albert Einstein
Posted by Sri Kandy Putri Naru at 9:09:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
So I Discovered Something New Today. Hooray, Bravo, Yippee?!!

Lucky enough for me to realize it just in time for me to cover my mouth using fingers, just enough time to make it stop from covering the essays written by Eliana, a student of mine who has asked me to check her essay (extra).
I stopped sipping and looked at the box and noticed there is something different about the cover and I read the tag-line, which says,
"Sensasi Meletup Straw Edisi Terhad!"

Brilliant, with the capital B?

It's Annoying!
Posted by Sri Kandy Putri Naru at 11:28:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: personal, that thing/person annoys me
Thursday, October 01, 2009
So Time Waits For No Man Huhh?
What a waste of time, my precious time kot!
Berjam kot saya duduk di hadapan komputer dengan tujuan nak mencari Full-Text Journal yang boleh saya gunakan untuk settle-kan assignment Semantics tapi satu pun tak dapat! Penat mencari dan berharap.
Kerja sangat banyak dan berlambak-lambak sehinggakan waktu makan tengahari pun terpaksa saya skip. Ini membuatkan saya rasa macam nak give-up jer. Tak sure yang mana, kerja atau belajar? huhh~
Hanya ada satu jalan sahaja sekarang ini. Esok tengahari sebaik sahaja kerja habis (dalam pukul 1-1:30 pm dah settle biasanya) saya akan pecut laju ke tempat belajar saya dengan memandu selaju-laju 120-130 km/j (kira lajulah ni bagi pemandu lesen P yang ambil 3 kali baru pass kan?) dan semestinya skip lunch lagi (jadi Shapx kamu makan soranglah di rumah kampung yer?) supaya dapat meng-access library University yang tak paham kenapa nak tutup petang dan banyak plak panduan perpakaiannya yang sukar untuk di ikuti dengan harapan dapatlah saya membuat salinan article-article dalam journal English Today!
Okay tak plan ini?
Mesin Membuat Salinan, kamu tolong agar mesra ye dengan saya esok?
Posted by Sri Kandy Putri Naru at 12:05:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: STRESS
Saturday, September 19, 2009
It Is Raya Again!
Before things get pretty busy. Just a quick one.
[reply to Shapx: Yes, yes I'm coming just gimme 2 minutes]
These Ramadhan and coming Raya,
1) I managed to complete my ibadah puasa ;) (okay, almost. Still about 8 hours to go but I'm pretty sure I'll surpass hehe)
2) Got new Telekung and baju Raya from Mama (MIL) that kinda matches Shapx's black baju Melayu. Thanks Mama.
3) This year, I'm giving duit Raya for the first time. Living in Perlis, makes it easy to change money except that RM5 notes has long finished... Fuhh~ Red is so not Raya! I wanna give the green one.
4) The kids are all here. Rumah Kampung is very messy now with thousand of toys God knows where they come from, noise coming from their vocal cords, tears after being scold by Shapx and laughter when they play with Kak Lang haha. Hey I'm so not making this up okay!

Shapx: They are just so lucky to get you as their Mak Lang!
Skpn: Hey, it's KAK Lang! Better say it right.
5) and this Raya, we're gonna celebrate it in Perlis, KL and Cameron (surprise Birthday for Mama (MIL) hehe..)
It's a family thing, there will be 4 families and I'm sure it's gonna be a BLAST!
Salam Raya everyone...
[Hey Shapx, wait for me!]
Posted by Sri Kandy Putri Naru at 11:03:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Can't You Tell I'm Very Busy Doing My Homework?!
Posted by skpnaru at 1:20:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: boredom
Friday, August 21, 2009
Salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak To All Muslim
"hope I can lose some weight this Ramadhan"
I have been hearing this phrase a couple of time now this week. It seems that everybody has the same idea and now I'm thinking, should I lose some as well?!
Well after all, I did get remark that goes, "Wah Sri, you dah put on weight! Never thought it's possible!" right after they saw my wedding pictures :( Dammit!
But honestly, am I really that fat? It's Ramadhan and I think I should hope for something else rather than perfect-hour-glass-body atau kurang tembam sikit di pipi... huhh~~
So, I come up with a list of things that I really, really hope to happen this Ramadhan.
- At least a day to break fast with Papa, Mama, Kak Ani, Syah, Abang, Ten Ten and Bear.
- I am determined to bring a Tupperware every time we go and buy kuih at any Bazar Ramadhan in Perlis! Regardless the stares and laughs I'll get huhh~
- I really want to learn and read the Quran from Shapx this year. Guess this is the best time for me to start... Lagipun, Ramadhan ni kurang marah sikit harap nye huhu..
- Wanna play fireworks with Shapx, Alya, Adam and if have extra can bring them to KL and play with my family plak hehe and Ashraf's family as well :)
- And finally, I want to bake some cookies for Raya hehe...
So, everyone Salam Ramadhan!
Okay guys, let's get busy :D Raya nak dekat dah ni hihi
Posted by skpnaru at 6:40:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 09, 2009
We Don't Need 8 Hours of Sleep.
Do we really need 8 hours of sleep? I don't think so! Lets just look at our mothers for instance or even students, do you really think they sleep that long?
No siree Bob!
So, yes. Doctors have been lying to us all along! :(
And no matter how busy we are, entertainment is a must! So I guess it explains why I went out to watch G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra with Shapx, Razip, Ebby and Syamril yesterday and had 3 games of bowling. Then makan and lepak at one of the mamak stalls in Jitra. Arrived home at about 11:30 pm.
Even after a long day, (earlier me and Shapx were looking for new closet) we could still indulge ourselves with series before shutting our eyes at 3am. Nice right?
The best part is Homework tak siap pe pun huhu... :-/
Click here for more info about Samantha Thavasa
[a Japanese brand (focuses on handbag and jewelry) featuring celebrities like Beyonce, Posh Spice, Paris Hilton etc and a bit cheaper than LV hehe]
So, why are you still sleeping, sleepy head?!
Posted by skpnaru at 10:43:00 AM 6 comments
Labels: fashion, health, random thoughts, work
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Thank You Baby. Promise You, I'll Study Hard!
I know, I know. It has been a while. Busy. What more can I say?! :(
So, I just wanna share some funny riddles which I had encountered while doing my homework. All these were taken from Journal of Pragmatics, an article entitled A Linguistic Look at Riddles by John M. Dienhart (1999).
Enjoy! ;D
Q: What do you get if you cross a bear and a skunk?
A: Winnie the Pooh.
Q: What did one tonsil say to the other?
A: You'd better get dressed - the doctor's taking us out tonight.
Q: Why did the one-handed man cross the street?
A: To get to the second-hand shop.
Q: Why couldn't the leopard escape from the zoo?
A: Because he was always spotted.
Q: Why did the lobster blush?
A: Because he saw the salad dressing.
Q: Have you ever seen a salad bowl?
A: No, but I've seen a square dance
Q: What colors should you paint the sun and the wind?
A: The sun rose and the wind blew.
Q: What's black and white and red all over?
A: A newspaper.
Q: What did Cinderella say when her photographs were mislaid?
A: Some day my prints will come.
Q: What animal can you never trust?
A: A cheetah.
Q: What's the best cure for water on the brain?
A: A tap on the head.
Q: If a buttercup is yellow what color is a hiccup?
A: Burple.
Q: What do ghosts eat for dinner?
A: Spook-etti.
[and last one. Shapx's favorite,]
Q: What's the difference between a hungry man and a glutton?
A: One longs to eat, the other eats too long.
haha.. Quite funny, right? See, homework is FUN!
Okay2, last one.
Posted by skpnaru at 12:43:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: games, linguistic, love, personal, school, technology
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Huhh~ Married Life Is Hard Work!
You know I have been very busy, right?
As evidence, I have just finished doing the listening questions that I need to submit tomorrow morning. And now it's almost 3:30 in the morning!
Balancing between work, study and personal life are just crazy I tell you. And not to mention that I haven't done a thing for my Master classes; not even read the title for the take home assignment!
Okay, just to let this out of my chest before I go to bed so that I won't have any guilty feelings to bother me later, as I have to wake up early tomorrow (hate morning classes especially at 8am!)...
Hrmm, I went to the movie with Shapx and watched Ice Age 3! It was hilarious and we had such a great time. As we're about to leave, Razip and Ebby arrived with 2 surprise tickets to watch Public Enemies. I mean, who could reject such offer? It's Johnny Depp la, c'mon! Tapi sangat disappointed okay ending dia.
Anyhow, we had fun.
And totally forgot about the Dictionary for Semantics class kan B? adoi. I'm so "lamb chop" la this Thursday =="
Okay, okay got to go now. It's really late. Shapx is going to kill me if he knows *cross-finger* and I hope he wont!
*off PC and jump to bed with Shapx*
Posted by skpnaru at 3:25:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Playing Me
you agree?
Posted by skpnaru at 9:18:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 05, 2009
Yes, It's True. I'm Married.
" when they ask me what I liked the best,
I tell them it was you"
from City of Angels
Posted by skpnaru at 7:09:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: Aries, literature, love, personal
Friday, March 27, 2009
What It's Like To Be Me...
You people may think I am not serious with this whole blogging thing, right?
But honestly, I am!
If only I have:
1. My own laptop instead of this old desktop with this old blinking monitor. Did I mention old twice on two different things? wait, there are two more items. O yes, and this old keyboard and this old mouse. They are VERY OLD, I tell you!
2. Internet access. Hrmm what do you call it? 3G? No, not that one! Ermm.. yes, yes broadband! Yes, I would really like to have that!
3. But even if I do have all these (in which I don't!) I don't think I have the time to post any entry here. So what I would like to have more is time. Possible?
So, I'm glad you could understand my situation.
Thank you!
I read these blogs just now:
Kak Tuty's, Kak Fasyu's, Kak Sue's
Very cool! Keep on posting guys!
P/S: Kak Sue, I'm glad I came across yours!
Posted by skpnaru at 2:30:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: personal
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tagged Again?!
Anyhow, Miss Cha Yang has tagged me and she mentioned it straight to my face saying that "you have been tagged!"
So, these are the steps:
1. Go to "My Pictures" or your Photo Folders in your computer
2. Go to the sixth folder of your photos' folders
3. Go to the sixth photo of that folder
4. Upload it here
5. Describe it.
6. And finally, tag six other bloggers and leave a comment in their pages.
okay, this is quite easy.
[clicking sounds ... pause ... clicking sounds ... ]
Hrmm ...
Okay, so here is the photo ...
Ooo yes, the-used-to-be-favorite shoes.
I used to wear it everyday to class, so comfy I tell you... but now, back in the shoe-box, you go!
What more to say? I need to get myself a new pair!
So the six bloggers are:
Shapx, Zulhumar, Ainguzzle, Umair, Tintarawa, Kak Fasyu
(I'm letting these new friends try "Tagged" LOL & TQ)
Posted by skpnaru at 6:20:00 PM 3 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Hey, I Am Not Lazy But Busy !
Listening to Babyface while marking exam papers at this hour is surely a nice feeling..
Peace! v(^V^)v
Posted by skpnaru at 7:53:00 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 09, 2009
I'm So Lazy To Write So Lets Just Upload Pictures, Shall We?

(Koko, Shapx's hand, Pak Dam)
Posted by skpnaru at 3:15:00 PM 2 comments
Thursday, February 05, 2009
David Cook-ies VS Natasha Bed-in-(g)Field ?
This morning, I had two songs playing non-stop in my mind; Light On by David Cook and Angel by Natasha Bedingfiled.
As soon as I got into the office, I turned on the PC and started surfing about them on the net. I looked at both of the official websites and I prefer this one (than this).
But you see, I adore his look, voice, style etc. So clearly my favorite is DC ;-) but you, NB, well I like you cuz of your music nothing more than that. To me your look, hair, style are just okay.
And again, they are just websites. Nobody really cares about them except a mind-numbing girl with nothing to do early in the morning?
Huhhh =="
Posted by skpnaru at 8:20:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: music, personal, random thoughts
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Dearest Ralphy ...
I just hope the world knows that I am still a good follower of all your brilliant thoughts and ideas, such as this one ...
"It is easy in this world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."
even though, the universe is already against me.
Just because ... I know I'm right !!!
All the quotes are by Ralph Waldo Emerson taken from The selected Writing of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Posted by skpnaru at 3:29:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Aries, literature, personal, random thoughts
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Darn-It ! I Got Tagged, AGAIN ...
I got tagged again and this time, it was from V@WLOUNGE on Tuesday, January 20th 2009. [ops, she's on private]
Anyhow, these are the things I must do.
5 Characteristics of your dream guy/girl
Compassionate, Empathy, Calm, Rationale, Loving.
In 5 letters it would be S.H.A.P.X
5 Characteristics that you have never like in a guy/girl
selfish, arrogant, insensitive, disrespectful, hypocrite ... and the list goes on and on and on!
5 feelings that you have when you're out with the one you admire
Blessed, Cheerful, Overjoyed, Delighted, Ecstatic
5 places that you want to travel with your loved one
no idea ... erm maybe Krabi, China (with Shapx's parents), India, Disneyland(s) and maybe all the islands in Malaysia
5 special things that you would give to your loved one
Wow i have a lot; my heart and soul, my presence and my compassion, my complete trust and a pledge of his trust in return, my love and shoulder for him to cry on, and a wonderful future for both of us. And one more thing, perhaps one day, a child ... or more? lol
5 songs that you will sing to your partner
- "Open Arms" by Mariah Carey
- "Can't Take My Eyes of You" by Lauryn Hill
- "Cater 2 U" by Destiny's Child
- "Into You" by Fabolous feat. Ashanti
- "Love Don't Cost A Thing" by Jennifer Lopez
5 friends that you want to tag
- Kak Firah, Kak Hanie, Cha Yang, Kak Dianne & Shapx
Posted by skpnaru at 4:06:00 PM 4 comments
Tooth Fairy, Where Are You?
Hurry up please!
Do I really need a tooth fairy?
Because my tooth doesn't hurt, but my gum is ...
What should I do? :-(
Whenever I eat, food get stuck in the gap, between my bottom left still-growing-wisdom tooth and the gum at the far end of my teeth and it is very painful too.
I have put off this problem for a very long time and I think this can't wait any longer.
I did ask one of my students whom had worked as a dental assistant in a dentist clinic, and her suggestion was to have it removed! I was shocked at hearing this and I thought to myself,
when the tooth is still growing?"
Then she said, "well, normally we do X-ray first"
Okay, X-ray sounds better.
So I did some research on my own and found out that wisdom tooth can be complicated something like:
Posted by skpnaru at 9:24:00 AM 1 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I am an Aries
Black & White... Like me and my Shapx haha ;-P
Everything comes in two.
Day & Night, Right & Left, Black & White
and the list goes on ...
Similarly to human beings. We have our positive, as well as our negative traits. And by having both, it makes us a perfect creature, unpredictable and special at the same time.
I am grateful to be an Aries. Look at the positive features; Optimism, Enthusiastic, Loyal, Dynamic, Strong, Adventurous, Independent, Confidant, Passionate ...
Even the negative ones; Self-Centered, Short-Tempered, Impatient, fickle-Minded, Possessive, Very Jealous ...
These words are perfect to describe me
and I am amazed with all of them ...
Simply because, I am what I am and nothing could ever change that! :)
Posted by skpnaru at 12:46:00 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Love Poem by Tagore
Love adorns itself,
it seeks to prove inward joy and by outward beauty.
Love does not claim possession,
but gives freedom.
Love is an endless mystery,
for it has nothing else to explain it.
Love's gift cannot be given,
it waits to be accepted
Posted by skpnaru at 11:40:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: literature, love